Published by the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra


Research and Stories through a Gendered Lens

Sport and violence against women: being quiet isn’t enough

Sport and violence against women: being quiet isn’t enough

Sport has a role to play in creating a culture of respect, yet women in sport are often seen as “less than” on almost every measure: salaries, sponsorship, broadcasting, leadership, access, media, coaching, officiating, uniforms and support. Research shows three out...

Casting a gender lens over the upcoming Federal Budget

Casting a gender lens over the upcoming Federal Budget

The upcoming Federal Budget will spark much talk of surpluses and deficits, costs of living and inflation, taxes and jobs. Beyond the headline announcements and standard statistics, get ready to look for the finer details of a gender analysis on all new policy...

The surprising way your gender influences your food choices

The surprising way your gender influences your food choices

Back when I worked as a bartender, I always found it interesting how men and women tend to gravitate towards different drinks. The more time I spent behind the bar, the more I came to understand how even something as simple as our beverage preferences are surrounded...


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