Published by the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra


Research and Stories through a Gendered Lens

What I’ve learned after 12 years fighting on the frontline

What I’ve learned after 12 years fighting on the frontline

As I step down from my role at Meridian ā€“ Canberraā€™s leading LGBTIQA+ organisation ā€“ after 12 years,Ā I reflect on how we can priorities lived experience in policy, research and service delivery. How we talk about lived experience is critical. It defines how we engage...

Gender equality: The ‘drastically missing piece’

Gender equality: The ‘drastically missing piece’

Womenā€™s rising educational achievements, greater workforce participation, stronger economic independence, and growing voices in leadership are all positive steps forward for society. Right? Well, maybe not in everyoneā€™s view. Optimists among us have reason to believe...

Women running the tech behind provocative robot sculpture

Women running the tech behind provocative robot sculpture

CW: This post mentions suicide. What happens when art and technology collide? And can it inspire the next generation of women in information and communications technology (ICT)? On May 30, the Canberra-based non-profit organisation, WIC (Women in Information and...


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