Amy Remeikis, political reporter for The Guardian, has written and extraordinary essay, titled On Reckoning. This work tells of the moment when the personal became very political and when rape...
Will the Jenkins review fix parliament’s toxic culture?
In the wake of Brittany Higgins’ shocking allegations about being raped in a ministers’ office by a colleague, Prime Minister Scott Morrison initiated multiple inquiries. Arguably, the most...
How and why women become homeless
Coming Home is a narrative and political podcast about women’s homelessness, made in conjunction with Juno, a women's homelessness service. It tells the story of three women from Melbourne’s...
A ban on NDAs would rob women of choice
In recent negotiations on behalf of a woman who was sexually harassed at work, I found myself in an unusual position. My client sought an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). They generally prohibit all...
Lifting the lid on Sony’s toxic, misogynist culture
As a podcast junkie and host, people recommend podcasts to me all the time. A few days ago, I was recommended a pod called ‘Everybody Knows,’ hosted by Ruby Jones. What a great listen! This...