Amy Remeikis, political reporter for The Guardian, has written and extraordinary essay, titled On Reckoning. This work tells of the moment when the personal became very political and when rape...
I’ve suffered gender discrimination. Now I fight it.
Over summer, BroadAgenda is republishing some of its most popular articles. This compelling piece was first posted earlier this year. Picture this: a young mother, struggling across the road with a...
What gender pay gap? Big little lies?
Over summer, BroadAgenda is republishing some of its most popular articles. This compelling piece was first posted in 2019. Australia’s gender pay gap currently sits at 14%. Australian full-time...
Research wrap: The tone deafness of popular music
So it’s nearly Christmas. Mariah Carey and Michael Bublé are now both well and truly defrosted and roasted (with or without chestnuts). The holiday nostalgia these iconic artists evoke is like a...
Review: Rape culture and silencing survivors
Content notification: This post contains discussion of rape culture, sexual assault and silencing victims. I’m back again to review two more books from the In the National Interest series – the...
Will the Jenkins review fix parliament’s toxic culture?
In the wake of Brittany Higgins’ shocking allegations about being raped in a ministers’ office by a colleague, Prime Minister Scott Morrison initiated multiple inquiries. Arguably, the most...
I’ve suffered gender discrimination. Now I fight it.
Picture this: a young mother, struggling across the road with a cumbersome contraption that appears to be two cheap strollers screwed together. A pair of male police officers watch her, amused. They...
I’m somebody, not just my trauma
Content notification: This article discusses domestic abuse and gendered violence. Tender is a thoughtful podcast series about what happens when women leave abusive relationships. Each...
Lifting the lid on Sony’s toxic, misogynist culture
As a podcast junkie and host, people recommend podcasts to me all the time. A few days ago, I was recommended a pod called ‘Everybody Knows,’ hosted by Ruby Jones. What a great listen! This...