Now in Melbourne’s sixth lockdown, we've chalked up more than 200 (non-consecutive) days under restrictions. And for perhaps the first time, it seems the constellation of conditions for getting out...
Time to stop excluding women for having difficult bodies
There is a passage in Carmen Maria Machado In The Dream House about going back in time to talk to your younger self. I love it because I am a chronic time-travel day dreamer. I also love it because...
Notes from a transition: The Diagnosis Game
What follows is an extract from Yves Rees' new book, titled 'All About Yves: Notes from a transition.' It's published here with full permission. I sink onto the red couch, clutching myself tight. I...
We’re so proud! BroadAgenda PhD student 3MT finalist
The Three Minute Thesis is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland, Australia. Three Minute Thesis heats were held across the University of...
We all need to acknowledge pandemic fatigue
“At 5 pm the territory will be locked down." We all were hanging off the press conference for the chief minister at 12:15pm, on August 12, 2021. Cue absolute chaos and madness; panic buying, traffic...