The Uniting Families Report 2024 is the first in a 10-year series of reports that seeks to explore family life in Australia, especially the families in which children and young people are being...
Measuring what matters, getting care metrics right
Declan and Sara have three young kids, including a newborn. A lot of caring happens in their household, often when other things, such as housework, are also being done. The care work in this...
The history of the female side-hustle
Living on a farm in regional Australia and about to welcome another child to our family unit, I was contemplating what my future commute to Sydney for my state government job would look like. It was...
Innovative scholarship for researchers helps alleviate unpaid caring
Grassroots social enterprise, Franklin Women has awarded six health researchers funding to alleviate barriers associated with unpaid caring responsibilities so they can take advantage of career...
Carer Spotlight: Linda’s story of dementia and devotion
When my mum, Linda, began caring for my grandma, Helen, due to advancing dementia, she was unaware of the enormity of the task at hand. “I didn’t know it would be like this,” she used to say to me. ...
Carer spotlight: Alice’s story of duty, isolation, identity
70.1% of primary caregivers cite “a sense of family responsibility” as the main reason that they became a carer. But what does that actually mean? Alice (a pseudonym) cared for her mum for over 30...
Carer spotlight: Erin’s story of being a young carer
10.8% of all Australians identified as carers in the 2018 Australian Census. That is approximately 2.65 million people! And yet, Erin–who was a Disability Support Worker for five years and is a...
Research wrap: The gendered load of holiday season
Baby, it’s cold outside. Ok, so for us in the Southern hemisphere, it’s actually pleasantly warm outside, but regardless of your location, we’re now slowly but surely inching towards the silly...
The toll unpaid labor takes on women’s health, wellbeing
How would you describe what your research is about in a nutshell to someone who doesn’t know anything about it? We conducted a systematic review, which means we gathered all the existing research...