In this analysis, Anna Hough of the Australian Parliamentary Library analyses both how female representation has changed in the last 20 years, and how Australia ranks globally on achieving a...
The biggest gender equality event you’ve never heard of
Imagine an annual event which is exclusively focused on achieving gender equality, which attracts something in the order of 8,000 – 9,000 delegates from across the globe, and which produces a road...
A Summer of Hope: Harriet’s story
After two long years of the global COVID-19 pandemic, so many of us find ourselves tired and lacking energy for even basic tasks. Facing a new year does not fill us with the joy of possibility as it...
Putting politicians and parties to the test
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Women's Electoral Lobby (WEL) a national, independent non-party political feminist lobby group working to ensure the rights of women are protected. Iola...
Civility policing: So what if activists cause discomfort?
The Governor of Florida, Republican Ron DeSantis, is reportedly pushing for a bill that would make it unlawful for schools and workplaces to make people feel uncomfortable when providing instruction...
Rage and the rise of a new women’s movement
Over summer, BroadAgenda is republishing some of its most popular articles. This compelling piece was first posted in March. There is extraordinary power in the emotions surfacing in women around...
The ecosystems of Parliament need urgent change
With a Christmas tree behind him the Prime Minister unwrapped a recycled theme years in the making and painful in its unpacking — the findings of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkin’s...
A ban on NDAs would rob women of choice
In recent negotiations on behalf of a woman who was sexually harassed at work, I found myself in an unusual position. My client sought an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). They generally prohibit all...
Review: Strong Female Lead on SBS
From the makers of 'See What You Made Me Do?', Strong Female Lead explores the gender politics during Julia Gillard’s term as Australia’s first and still only female Prime Minister. Looking back at...