At this point in the pandemic, you’d be forgiven for thinking that gender equality has been mostly overlooked in responses to the COVID-19 crisis. The latest recovery measure looks like no...
Why gender equality would mean resilience against COVID-19
As Australia responds to the coronavirus pandemic, capacity to cope with the crisis is under strain from a secondary crisis - one of care work. This care crisis is a result of increased pressure on...
Getting a gender-responsive budget back into balance
Once upon a time, Australia was the world leader in using its budget to promote gender equality. In 1984, the Federal Government implemented the world’s first gender-responsive budgeting (GRB)...
A seat at the table? Civil society at the Beijing+25 Regional Review
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is the internationally agreed agenda and UN policy position on gender equality and women’s rights. It was negotiated and agreed by 189 UN member...
Far from equal: The gendered impacts of climate change in Australia
On 20 September, hundreds of thousands of Australians marched in solidarity with school students participating in the global climate strike. News outlets and social media streams covered speeches...
Can Time Use Survey help end energy poverty?
In Australia, energy prices are rising and energy poverty is increasing. This is likely to continue, with negative impacts for poor and socially-marginalised Australians. At the same time, there is...
CSW63: Major advancements for infrastructure amidst backlash against women’s rights
Just after 8:30pm on Friday 22ndof March, I watched the gavel fall to mark the adoption of the agreed conclusions from the 63rdSession of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women...
It’s not about the firewood: Ending violence against women in refugee camps
The high rate of sexual violence incidents in some refugee and displaced person camps while women are collecting firewood has led some humanitarian agencies to push for the distribution of cooking...