On 29 January 2019, Germaine Greer turned 80. Greer has an intellectual energy that exceeds age. As a highly renowned Australian second wave feminist, she stands out for her longevity and relevance...
By Mary Walsh
‘Boys Will Be Boys’: Book review
I first met Clementine Ford at Parliament House in Canberra early September 2018. She chaired a panel to mark the launch of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation’s new report - From Girls to Men: Social...
‘Giving in’: Germaine Greer on non-consensual sex
“Having a conversation is better than not having one at all, however you say that, and I quote, ‘Most rapes don’t involve any injury at all.’ Are you saying that being violated physically doesn’t...
Gillard, Credlin and Sexism in Contemporary Australia
It is often said that feminism has achieved its goals and is redundant in the twenty first century. Many young men and women alike believe that there is equality between the sexes and that women are...