Dear beloved BroadAgenda readers, Since I was headhunted for the role of BroadAgenda (BA) editor back in 2021, we've achieved so much! This blog has gone from having a handful of dedicated readers...
The challenge of navigating friendship and motherhood
My best friend is child-free, and I'm about ready to stretch and sweep with my second child now one week out from the due date. We've read the viral essay by Allison Davis in The Cut, Why can't our...
Addressing gender bias: Why newsroom equality matters
In this exclusive Q&A, BroadAgenda editor, Ginger Gorman, speaks with Andrea Carson, Professor of Political Communication at La Trobe University. She's the lead researcher behind the 2024 Women...
The Yirrkala Bark Petitions: A story of sovereignty and resistance
In this conversation, Professor Clare Wright, Professor of History and Public Engagement at La Trobe University, talks to me (BroadAgenda editor, Ginger Gorman), about her new book, Ṉäku Dhäruk: The...
Pioneering job-share candidates: A feminist leap in politics
Two women from Melbourne - Lucy Bradlow and Bronwen Bock - want to job-share in Federal parliament. The University of Canberra’s Professor Kim Rubenstein is a constitutional law and citizenship...
Heart health: Why women need more attention and action
Professor Nicole Freene is a clinical physiotherapist based at the University of Canberra. For more than two decades she has worked as a physiotherapist and over the last decade her research has...
Women’s health at risk: The cost of delayed care
This article was written by me (Ginger Gorman) for the publication Women's Agenda in my capacity as a freelance journalist. It's republished here with full permission. You can read the original...
The gutsy women fighting global disinformation online
When I wrote about cyberhate in my book Troll Hunting (2019), I wanted people to understand two important points. First, that trolls are rarely those stereotypical lonely guys, spitting out vitriol...
Sharing human milk: challenging Australian regulatory regimes
Women who share their milk may meet with social disapproval, but this ancient practice for feeding vulnerable babies and meeting breastfeeding challenges signals an adaptable decentralised nutrition...